Village of Berwyn

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Jody M. Dennis - (308) 935-1569 or Cell (308) 880-0042

The Village Clerk is the administrative position on the Village Board and is responsible for overseeing the day to day operations of the Village. The Clerk prepares for and attends all the meetings. She is also responsible for overseeing election data and keeping the Board informed about any changes in the election process, as well as registration deadlines for the ballot.

As Village Treasurer, she receives all bills and invoices and prepares a report for the Board to approve payment of said bills and invoices.  Checks require two signatures and are prepared prior to meeting, if approved, the Chairman or Co-Chair sign the checks.  Treasurer then signs the checks, makes copies and mails them out to the vendors.  Treasurer works with the Accountant on the annual budget compilation and provides all information and paperwork required to prepare the budget.  She maintains the Village books and reconciles the accounts in preparation for the monthly meetings and budget prep.

Other duties include customer service, Village correspondence and newsletters, maintains ordinances and resolutions, research, attesting signatures, and works closely with the Board of Trustees.

Position pays $400/Month - paid monthly.

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